Skorupi Shiny Rates in Pokemon GO, a Disappointing Event

Trainers, Incense Day: Skorupi has arrived in Pokemon GO, bringing with it the promise of Shiny Skorupi, an array of Bug and Poison-type Pokémon lured by Incense, exclusive event bonuses, and engaging Field Research tasks and encounters.

This limited-time event is in full swing, spanning from 11 AM to 5 PM today. It’s an opportunity to snag the elusive Shiny Skorupi, a Pokémon of particular interest during this event. However, there’s a bit of a letdown in the air. Despite promises of increased Shiny Skorupi encounters, reports from the field suggest otherwise.

It seems that Niantic may have missed the mark on boosting Shiny Skorupi rates as intended. The Pokemon GO community is expressing disappointment with the event, citing a lack of success in finding and capturing Shiny Skorupi.

Shiny Skorupi odds

Shiny Skorupi was meant to take the spotlight during Incense Day, but the reality doesn’t quite match the expectations. Reports indicate that the chances of encountering Shiny Skorupi during this event are approximately 1 in 130, or about 0.8%, which is relatively low.

How has your luck fared in the pursuit of Shiny Skorupi during this event? Share your experiences with us in the comments below.
